The family altar: Here’s how you can teach your children about God By Ray Comfort – Christian Post
In Old Testament times, people built altars to God to commemorate something He had done. Altars served as a memorial to teach succeeding generations about God and His character. Gathering for a family “altar” or a devotional time is a good way to teach your children about God and His ways.
As you establish your family altar, you will need to build it out of the unmovable rocks of resolution. The reason you have to be resolute is that it will be a battle. You will find that there are many excuses for not having devotions. “Circumstances” will constantly crop up. You may be pressed for time, feel tired, or simply want to catch up on the news of the world. Your kids will occasionally groan when you announce that it’s time for devotions. Perhaps you think you don’t have the ability to teach the Bible. As you face distractions of various kinds, keep in mind one very powerful reason for daily devotions: the eternal salvation of your children.
Here are some practical points to consider when establishing a family altar.
Open in Prayer
Begin devotions by thanking God for your family and then prayerfully asking Him, “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law” (Psalm 119:18). The Bible uses the phrase “the Law” to refer at different times to the entire Word of God, the Law of Moses, and the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are the very backbone of Holy Scripture. We must seek the help of God’s Holy Spirit if we are to comprehend the incredible things God has in His Law. The apostle Paul said, “I delight in the law of God” (Romans 7:22). Why should we delight in God’s Law, even though we are not saved by our obedience to it? It is because the Law reveals God’s holiness, His righteousness, His justice and truth. It is the very instrument that the Holy Spirit uses to convert the soul (Psalm 19:7). It is the means by which the way to the sinner’s heart is prepared to receive the grace of God. If we want our children to be truly converted, we must first know the wondrous things from His Law, and that comes only by prayer and revelation of the Holy Spirit.